Entries in Preset (41)


Aurora Borealis

Nine comps of animated northern lights using AE's built-in Fractal Noise and Trapcode Shine. Trapcode Particular used for the stars. Resurrected from trapcode-people.

Download AE 6.0 AEP 

Description: Fractal Noise is used on the bottom layer to create the base for the effect. It has keyframes on "Evolution" which means it will change shape over time. Switch off all layers above it to see how it looks. Above that is a colorization layer that uses Colorama (built-in AE effect) to generate the color gradient. Then a mask is applied. Trapcode Shine is used in an adjustment layer above to create the look of light rays / northern lights. For finish, a starfield is added on top and then the layer with trees.




Trapcode Particular used to disintegrate a layer.

Download AE 6.0 AEP 

There are a few pre-comps that makes this possible. The "exploder" layer is used as a Layer Emitter in the main comp. As you can see it reveals a small part of the text and travels from left to right. From this area particles are emitted.

The "hider" layer is simply the text gradually hidden.

Bounce mode is enabled and setup to use a floor only.

Resurrected from trapcode-people


Particular v2 - Massive

Particular v2 - Massive from Peder Norrby on Vimeo.

Download AE CS3: AEP

Eight pre-made comps with Trapcode Particular v2 using massive amounts of particles. Download the AEP and play with the settings! There are seven extra comps in there as well - so 15 comps all-in-all! + one edit for benchmarks. Uses Trapcode Lux, Form and Horizon in some comps.

The massive amounts of particles are generated using the Aux system which is a function that allows emitting particles from particles. The Aux particles create trails from the main particles. These are then in turn affected using different things like gravity, turbulence etc.

Took me 45 mins to render the "edit" comp (consisting of eight comps, 47 secs in total) using my MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. What's your render time and hardware? 

How about hooking up Emitter Position to Sound Keys? Could be worth a try!

Design & Music by Peder Norrby / Trapcode / Rymden

Download AE CS3 AEP

The music is available under Creative Commons Attribution license for download: http://soundcloud.com/rymdenmusic/pentagram-mstr


Poly Blink

Sample AE project for Trapcode Particular v2. It also uses Lux and shows how well Lux and Particular integrate now when Particular supports shading from comp lights. The setup is like this: the particle texture is a pre-comp with some simple polygon-shapes. The emitter is run in the beginning of the comp, creating the poly-based shape. After that time is frozen by keyframing Physics Time Factor. The camera is rotated to create some motion.

The intensity of the lights were manually keyframed to match the audio. The background gradient was made using Trapcode Horizon.

Download AE CS3 zip archive 



An experiment with Trapcode Form using CC Sphere as particle source.
Download AEP