Mir Thing
Tutorial by Peder Norrby on how to create an abstract spiky "thing" (Mystique's heart?) using Trapcode Mir.
Abstract Particles with Form
VinhSon Nguyen (CreativeDojo) creates some great looking abstract particles with Trapcode Form and OBJ's
Trapcode Planet
Tutorial by Philipp Pavlov on how to create a stylized particle planet using Trapcode Form and Particular.
Particular Vines
Richard Krause (reserve17) shows how to create vines using Trapcode Particular in this three-part tutorial.
Cosmic Strings
Tutorial by Buwaneka Saranga. Uses Trapcode Particular and Photoshop.
Water with Particular
Tutorial by Dino Muhic showing how to create water with Trapcode Particular.
Fractal City
Dan Sollis used Trapcode Mir to create some beautiful cityscapes. AEP for AE CS6 for download.
Galaxy Nebula
VinhSon Nguyen used Trapcode Particular to create a galaxy. Full video tutorial.
Inside the Nebulae
Tutorial and preset for space scene. Uses actual images from Hubble combined with elements made using Form. AE CS5.
Procedural audio reactive animation
Preset that uses Trapcode Sound Keys and Trapcode Mir to generate visuals from audio. AE CS5.5
Particle Man
Tutorial that shows using the motion vectors feature introduced in Particular 2.2 to generate particles from the motion of a body.
Liquid Chrome
Preset that uses Trapcode Mir to create a metal-like structure. AE CS5.
Preset using Trapcode Particular to create a missile-style trail of smoke and Horizon for the 360 background. AE 7.0
Aurora Borealis
Preset that uses Trapcode Shine to create an animated northern lights effect. Fractal Noise for the base pattern. AE 6.0
Kung-Fu Panda Fire
Sara Bennet created this stylized fire preset for AE CS5 inspired by the fire seen in the movie Kung-Fu Panda 2.
3D Set Extension
Andrew Kramers tutorial covering 3D tracking, matte painting, masking, sky replacement and Trapcode Particular for fog.
Frozen in time
Preset that uses Trapcode Particular with a wiggle expression and aux particle trails frozen using Physics Time Factor. AE CS4.
3D Angel Wings
Tutorial by Iaenic that shows creating 3D wings using Trapcode 3D Stroke.
Form Galaxy II
Dan Sollis preset that uses Trapcode Form 2.0 with a galaxy OBJ (included). AE CS5.5
Particular v2 Massive
Some comps utilizing Trapcode Particular v2 using massive amunts of particles (renders pretty fast). AE CS3.
Dynamic Shadows for Particular
Andrew Kramer has a technique for generating shadows for Trapcode Particular.
Smoke Trails
Andrew Kramers tutorial on creating realistic smoke trails using Trapcode Particular.
Starlings Study 02
Experiments with birds flocking using Trapcode Particular. Perlin noise fractal used for flocking. AE CS4
Flare with sparks and smoke
Using Trapcode Particular and Lux to create a flare with sparks and smoke. AE 6.0
Smoke Tests
Using Trapcode Particular with the free smoke element movies VideoCopilot posted. AE CS5
Cinema 4D to Trapcode Form
Tutorial using Cinema 4D to create a scene, then export frames, camera and OBJ so everything matches up in AE/Form.