
Tao Dark Fibers Preset

This project is based on the Tao Flowing Ribbons Tutorial, watch it to understand what is going on!

It is quite heavy to render so it's helpful to set down Segments to 500 and Repeater to 10 when working with the motion.

Download project file (AE CC12): tao_dark_fibers_CC12.aep 



Tao Cylinders Preset

Download project file (AE CC 12): tao_cylinders_colorful_CC12.aep




Tao Flowing Ribbons Tutorial

New tutorial on creating seamlessly looping flowing ribbons with Trapcode Tao in Adobe After Effects. 

Dan Ebberts wiggle loop expression:
This technique was used to create these animations:

Mandelbulb VR

Amazing to be able to experience the mandelbulb! The video in no way shows how it feels to experience it in VR with stereo 3D and positional tracking. It's mesmerizing. 

Download the app (win64/oculus): Mandelbulb_VR

Adapted from Raja Bala:
by Peder Norrby, Trapcode

Made with Unity 3D engine

Runs OK on nVidia GTX 780 - ca 40 fps which technically is too low
The max number of iterations can be lowered for faster rendering.
lowering the max ray march steps also speeds up rendering.

Starts straight into VR mode. 
Esc to Quit
Spacebar to toggle automatic animation (rotation of theta)
Arrow keys to move camera in/out and right/left
Q - increase Exponent (8 is the default and the regular Mandelbulb)
W - decrease Exponent
A - increase max iterations (better quality, slower)
S - decrease max iterations
Z - increase ray march steps (better quality, slower)
X - decrease ray march steps
Tested only on nVidia GTX 780 and Oculus Rift DK2
Oculus was setup with oculus_runtime_sdk_0.8.0.0_win
If Show Demo Scene in Oculus Configuration Utility works, this should work



TAO Soap Bubble Tutorial

Tutorial on creating a 6-second seamless looping soap-bubble-like noise sphere

Final Movie Result:



Download AE project file that contains the soap fresnel texture: TAO_SoapBubble_CS6.aep