
Let yourself feel by Esteban Diácono

A piece of art! I love how he used the music to drive the beautiful visuals. I find it totally mesmerizing. / Peder

Esteban notes: "I've used Trapcode Particular 2 to create the particles, of course, and two Trapcode Sound Keys layers to drive the position, velocity and a few turbulence and spin parameters."

Esteban's site: 


iTunes Visualizer plug-in (Mac)

I'm working on a new iTunes visualizer plug-in. The working name is "Milky Way". Here is a video that shows how it currently looks: 

Music: Anna Ternheim "Shoreline"

Please download and test the plug-in (Mac only for now)  and post some feedback as comment to this post!

Install help:
1. Unzip the .zip file (double click it) if needed.
2. Place MilkyWay.bundle in the iTunes Plug-ins folder. Normally this is:
(username)/Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins
3. Restart iTunes
4. In the menu select View>Visualizer>Milky Way
5. Play a nice tune
6. Hit Command-T to start the visuals! (And Command-H to enter fullscreen)


Here is an earlier iteration of the plug-in:

Music: Autechre "Kalpol Introl"

You can find the older iTunes plug-ins from Trapcode here:

Trapcode SoundThing
Trapcode Klangfarbe
Trapcode AlphaOmega 


Welcome to Trapcode v2!

This website will eventually become Trapcode's new official website. The site design is not yet finished so expect to see many changes happening here soon. I used to use Macromedia Dreamweaver (now Adobe) but I have decided to switch to a system that better allows me to post content when I like - from any computer or even from my iPhone. The goal is to create a more fresh and updated site. I also really like the separation of content and design.

Another big reason for the switch of site technology is that I want more feedback. This new system allows visitors to comment on each new post, please feel free to do that! Tell me what you think! Feedback is very important for Trapcode.

Warm Regards,
Peder Norrby / Trapcode AB


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