
the stars are projectors by rpgamer2003

Wonderful abstract piece by rpgamer2003 (Marcus Eckert) using Trapcode Particular. View on Vimeo

UPDATE: get the AE project file from Marcus site.

Music from

I don't know if there is a relation, but it is similar to another amazing piece from the gallery: Peter Menich's "Fast Fourier Transform".




Trapcode Klangfarbe - Free iTunes Visualizer plug-in for Mac OS X

This plug-in is still in beta and does not work with all graphics cards, please let me know if it works with yours!

In my first visualizer - AlphaOmega - I tried to envision a form or geometry for the music. This one, Klangfarbe deals more directly with visualizing the current audio as colors, hence the name which is German for "timbre" but also means "color of the timbre" or "color of the sound".


Free for personal, home, non-commercial use. For other use, please contact peder /dot/ norrby (at) gmail /dot/ com. This free software is provided as is, with no guarantees whatsoever.


It has a few settings:

Press "m" key to toggle modes, there are three modes and the first two are animated (they change slowly over time)
Press "f" key to change particle feather / out-of-focus effect.

Install help
1. Unzip the .zip file (double click it) if needed.

2. Place TrapcodeKlangfarbe in the iTunes Plug-ins folder. Normally this is:
(username)/Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins
3. Restart iTunes
4. In the menu select View>Visualizer>Klangfarbe.
5. Play a nice tune.
6. Hit Command-T to start the visuals!




64-bit is here!

On day one of the AE CS5 release Red Giant posted the 64-bit Trapcode versions - how's that for speedy upgrades? We wanted to wow our dear customers and our great partner Adobe and put a lot of energy into getting the 64-bit native versions available from day one. Kudos to the RG engineering team!

Owners of Trapcode Particular v2 - FREE upgrade to 64 bit version (until June 30, 2010)

Recent purchases (on or after April 12th) - FREE upgrades.

Individual product upgrades are $29 each, and the full Trapcode Suite can be upgraded for $99.

Read more here. Or check out Aharon Rabinowitz video on this subject.

Goodbye memory errors! Hello 30-second RAM previews! (or at least three) :-) And as a bonus some render-speed improvements.

NOTE: This 64-bit stuff has nothing do to with bit depth of rendering, only the address space of the CPU which used to be 3-4 GB with 32-bit addressing. Now we can (in theory) address up to 2^64 bytes = 17,179,869,184 GB. 



Status, 64bit, some history and Vegas

This new site is shaping up fine. Love the comments I'm getting, keep em coming! Feedback was the #1 reason for the site platform switch.

Trapcode 64 bit plugs are coming! Read more on this.

I've posted some Trapcode history regarding the birth of Form. I posted in the ShareLog since it contains AEP's. And I've posted tons of other stuff to the ShareLog. (btw - if you are a new visitor to this site you should know that it has two blogs - Blog and ShareLog. The Blog is for news and status reports from Trapcode (like this) and gallery items, the ShareLog is for AEP's and training/tutorials.)

I'm off to Las Vegas on Sunday for NAB. I won't be demoing but you should be able to find me at these events: Monday - Red Giant / fxphd event and Adobe party later. On Tuesday evening I plan to attend the Pinball thing (I hope they have Twilight Zone). Daytime I'll be at the show (around Plug-in Pavillion and Red Giant's booth SL4127) or by the pool :-) See you there!


Website status

I'm currently working on getting all content over from the old Trapcode site, but it turned out the be much more than I remembered! :-) I'm also trying to nail down the structure and design of this site, I think I'm almost there now. As always, I'm looking for cool clips to put in the gallery, and I have added some new ones and moved some from the old site over. There is still lots of stuff to move and it will take some time until it is finished.

If you have any feedback or ideas they are always welcome, use the comment field below.