Trapcode Klangfarbe - Free iTunes Visualizer plug-in for Mac OS X

This plug-in is still in beta and does not work with all graphics cards, please let me know if it works with yours!
In my first visualizer - AlphaOmega - I tried to envision a form or geometry for the music. This one, Klangfarbe deals more directly with visualizing the current audio as colors, hence the name which is German for "timbre" but also means "color of the timbre" or "color of the sound".
Free for personal, home, non-commercial use. For other use, please contact peder /dot/ norrby (at) gmail /dot/ com. This free software is provided as is, with no guarantees whatsoever.
It has a few settings:
Press "m" key to toggle modes, there are three modes and the first two are animated (they change slowly over time)
Press "f" key to change particle feather / out-of-focus effect.
Install help
1. Unzip the .zip file (double click it) if needed.
2. Place TrapcodeKlangfarbe in the iTunes Plug-ins folder. Normally this is:
(username)/Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins
3. Restart iTunes
4. In the menu select View>Visualizer>Klangfarbe.
5. Play a nice tune.
6. Hit Command-T to start the visuals!
Reader Comments (14)
is this windows only or will it work on a Mac?
This is Mac only.
Peder Norrby / Trapcode
Nice stuff, it works for me ;)
Tnx and greetings from Bosnia
mit macBookPro 17" NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, 256 MB
coole beta vesion! ich finde das bild ist noch etwas lehr, obwohl mir die fein blitzenden punkte die unterschiedlich farbig ineinandergreifen sehr gefallen. deshalb empfehle ich mit der punktgrösse oder dem zoom und leichtem drehen des ganzen rasters mehr leben rein zu bringen. ich finde es im allgemeinen noch etwas zu starr für ein visual...
vielen dank und liebe grüsse!
geiler visualizer, aber hat ledier nochn bug auf meinem neuen mac mini (mit geforce 330m) ... bei jedem skip/nächster Titel blitzt das bild für 1 frame und wird nicht mehr aktualisiert ausser man startet den visualizer oder fullscreen neu.
irgendeine idee was man tun könnte um das zu verhindern?
had an issue with itunes 10
Does not work with iTunes 10 and late 2009 iMac core i7
Works with Intel GMA 945 and the latest iTunes 10 (10.1). Thanks for this plug-in.
stick this non-windows file [edited]. make it for all or none. sorry for the attitude ... however that's what i feel you are doing by offering this only for macs..
Nic, making a windows version would take considerable work. Comments like yours surely doesn't make me feel more motivated to do that. (btw, nor does it make me less motivated).
just found this. Running a dual G5 2GHz with a GeForce 6800 GT with iTunes 10.2.2. Runs perfectly.
Ne fonctionne pas en mode plein écran sur MacBookPro 2,53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo avec NVIDIA GeForce 9400M et avec iTunes 10.2.2.
I have a MacBook Pro with both an AMD Radeon HD 6490M and an Intel HD Graphics 3000 - the visualizer worked great!
Is this software compatible with iTunes 12? Used it before and loved it, but it's not showing now on the latest version..