
Trapcode Form Ocean

A little experiment i did to create an semi-realistic ocean using Trapcode Form, fractal noise, vector blur and some clever texturing.

Get the Trapcode Form ocean file here >

Drop me a note if you have problems, queries, or just to show off what you've done with it! ^^


Zen Alien by Cassidy Bisher

This is a trapcode particular experiment I worked on. Really working on the lighting and shading features in trapcode particular.

Vimeo Render

Download CS5 project file here: Zen Alien



Form Galaxy II, by Dan Sollis

My first major test of the new OBJ import functionality of Trapcode Form 2. I created the galaxy object using the "Spray Points" tool in Lightwave, painting them into the rough shape of a galaxy. I then applied a vortex deform to it, to further twist it into the right shape.

This object was then brought into After Effects as an OBJ and I layered a couple of instances of Form to create the richness of the stars. I also used a luminance-tracked version of it with Video Copilot Optical Flares for the bigger stars, seen as you move in closer (as well the hot central star/singularity in the centre).

There's some fractal-noise-derived nebula objects in there too, to add to the overall texture of the piece. I've used Trapcode Horizon for some distant ones, along with some basic masked 3D planes. Anyway, hope you like it - the project files are available to download for free from the Digital Distortion website.

Music is "Cad Goddeu (Revised)" by Nest -​releases/​sere001/​nest-retold


Cinema 4D scene to Trapcode Form 2.0.2

Tutorial showing how to create a scene in Cinema 4D and export an OBJ and Cinema's camera. And import all this in Adobe After Effects so the Cinema render perfectly matches Trapcode Form.

Sorry for my poor C4D skillz!

Note that you need Trapcode Form 2.0.2 to get the "Normalize" checkbox used here.


Kung Fu Panda 2 stylized fire effect

I was watching this pretty cool video of how some of the fire effects were created in Kung Fu Panda 2 using After Effects and Particular (link). After a lot of watching i figured out how it was made and set about recreating the effect - which I think came out really well.

As a lot of people were interested in it, I thought I'd share the AE file - it is made in After Effects CS5 using Trapcode Particular.

Download CS5 project file: playingwithfire.aep

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