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Form Galaxy II, by Dan Sollis

My first major test of the new OBJ import functionality of Trapcode Form 2. I created the galaxy object using the "Spray Points" tool in Lightwave, painting them into the rough shape of a galaxy. I then applied a vortex deform to it, to further twist it into the right shape.

This object was then brought into After Effects as an OBJ and I layered a couple of instances of Form to create the richness of the stars. I also used a luminance-tracked version of it with Video Copilot Optical Flares for the bigger stars, seen as you move in closer (as well the hot central star/singularity in the centre).

There's some fractal-noise-derived nebula objects in there too, to add to the overall texture of the piece. I've used Trapcode Horizon for some distant ones, along with some basic masked 3D planes. Anyway, hope you like it - the project files are available to download for free from the Digital Distortion website.

Music is "Cad Goddeu (Revised)" by Nest - serein.co.uk/​releases/​sere001/​nest-retold

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