Entries in Gallery (48)


Motor Ambient Reel by K. U. Schneider

Very neat piece that uses Trapcode Particular intelligently in novel ways. Must see! / Peder

Ulrich notes: "It's part of my bachelor thesis 2008 and uses Trapcode Particular to creatre various structures of lines."

View clip on KU-Schneider's site


Modest Mouse "Whale Song" by Nando Costa

Incredible video, lots of abstract and surreal elements that they managed to make look "real". Awesome! / Peder 

Nando told me they used lots of Trapcode 3D Stroke and Lux (the spotlights).

[View on Vimeo instead - sometimes works on iPhone]


Let yourself feel by Esteban Diácono

A piece of art! I love how he used the music to drive the beautiful visuals. I find it totally mesmerizing. / Peder

Esteban notes: "I've used Trapcode Particular 2 to create the particles, of course, and two Trapcode Sound Keys layers to drive the position, velocity and a few turbulence and spin parameters."

Esteban's site: estebandiacono.tv 

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