ASCENSION by Chris Lavelle

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Breathtaking piece by Chris Lavelle. It has many parts with totally different looks and feelings. Uses Trapcode Sound Keys to drive Trapcode Particular. The integration between Particular v2's new shading and Lux is shown well.
UPDATE: Chris Lavelle interview regarding this piece on Directors Notes
Reader Comments (11)
That's very poetic ! It's also very inspiring, my favorite part, is the rain at the end ! That's really awesome ! : )
The music fit well too ! great job here : )
totally amazing, very well done! Love from England!
Very beautiful, how did you make the gradient/light emitting/glowing backgrounds?
Absolutely beautiful. I felt the need to cry watching was touching in ways I cannot describe.
Wow simply amazing, I cannot describe that. Loved the organic stuff at 1:00.
I would love to know how you/he managed the rainbows at 2:27 which were one of my favorite parts.
Hi, thanks for the kind comments :), I know england very well It's my home.
David ask away an i will try to answer what specifically did you want to know about the backgrounds?.
DJAyzed are you referring to the particles that swim around the screen?
I discuss the process briefly here
Well done and an amazing world of creativity, Innovation and imagination...!!
O.M.Ganesh Omanoor, Kerala, India
Thanks for all your kind comments.
Oh yeah, it's really captivating, especially the part with the odd organic form from the 1st minute. I'm looking for several days and try to approach this, but in vain: / How is this done exactly ? What main parameters come into play ?
Any way, it's cool, i like it :D
Truly Mindblowing.. Hats off for the effort and creativity..
Keep up..