Abstract Design Elements with Trapcode Mir by VinhSon Nguyen
Abstract Objects and Quick Tips with Trapcode Mir from VinhSon Nguyen on Vimeo.
Great tips from VinhSon Nguyen at CreativeDojo on using Trapcode Mir for abstract design elements.
Abstract Objects and Quick Tips with Trapcode Mir from VinhSon Nguyen on Vimeo.
Great tips from VinhSon Nguyen at CreativeDojo on using Trapcode Mir for abstract design elements.
Harry Franks shows a way to get Trapcode Particular and Element 3D or Cinema 4D to integrate niceley using a Z-Buffer. This is a type of depth-compositing technique and the aim is to achieve automatic obscuration so particles can pass both in front and behind a 3D object – a kind of unified 3D space between the softwares.
Watch the short film TEMPO
Here we'll collect tutorials and other information on TEMPO.
First up is a tutorial on creating beautiful fire using Trapcode Particular and some stock footage:
Next is a tutorial on the 3D bee swarm:
More stuff will be added to this page as it is published.
An awesome five-part series of tutorials on Trapcode Particular. These are geared towards the new users, but is a great watch also for the experienced.