Entries in Cinema 4D (3)


Integrating Trapcode Particular and Element 3D / Cinema 4D using Z-buffer

Harry Franks shows a way to get Trapcode Particular and Element 3D or Cinema 4D to integrate niceley using a Z-Buffer. This is a type of depth-compositing technique and the aim is to achieve automatic obscuration so particles can pass both in front and behind a 3D object – a kind of unified 3D space between the softwares.


Getting motion vectors from C4D to Particular 2.2

Tutorial by Ron Trevino explaining how to get Cinema 4D to render motion vectors that can be used with Trapcode Particular 2.2


Cinema 4D scene to Trapcode Form 2.0.2

Tutorial showing how to create a scene in Cinema 4D and export an OBJ and Cinema's camera. And import all this in Adobe After Effects so the Cinema render perfectly matches Trapcode Form.

Sorry for my poor C4D skillz!

Note that you need Trapcode Form 2.0.2 to get the "Normalize" checkbox used here.