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Space Swirls

Download this project for After Effects CS4 and later: space_swirls_CS4.aep

Swirls made using Trapcode Particular using two lights as emitters and one instance of Particular. Expressions guide the lights on a wiggled helical path, the camera follows.

Music: intro from "Medicine" by cirKus:


Reader Comments (3)


June 5, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter_blk

Thanks so much for the project file. I was wrecking my brain trying to figure out how to visualize the motion of charged particles aorund a magnetic line of force and this does the trick beautifully. Very much appreciated.

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterraffi

Really love this! I tried to customize this a lot, but what I couldn't really be able to achieve is, stretch the length of the swirls.. Messed a lot with the math in the expressions with no luck in changing the orientation.

I want the line's curve to be much smoother & longer in it's motion, as if it's flowing gently instead of curling so quick.

Can anyone help me understand..
Would be grateful..

October 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMajid

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