Entries in Sound Keys (5)


Procedural audio reactive animation

I did some tests with letting Sound Keys control Mir that came out pretty cool.

Download AE CS6 AEP: AudioMir.aep

Download AE CS5.5 AEP: AudioMir_CS55.aep

Procedural audio reactive animation.
Quick test using Trapcode Sound Keys controlling Mir to generate visuals from audio.

In this case, three expressions are used on Mir:
Rotate Y = time*20;
Amplitude = 200+thisComp.layer("SK").effect("Sound Keys")("Output 1");
Frequency = 200+thisComp.layer("SK").effect("Sound Keys")("Output 3");

Where SK is the sound keys layer and Output one is setup to capture bass and Output 3 is setup to capture the high frequencies. An invert effect was manually inserted.

Music: "Fortress" by -ono- (freemusicarchive.org/music/ono/document_of_life/06_Fortress)




THEMYSTICBLACK from Peder Norrby on Vimeo.


Audio-driven animation using Trapcode Sound Keys to drive Particular. Music: Autechre - plyPhon. Here is a quick tutorial showing how the AEP was made:

THEMYSTICBLACK - tutorial from Peder Norrby on Vimeo.


Download AE project file (AE CS4): THEMYSTICBLACK.aep


Beat Explode

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Linking Trapcode Sound Keys to Particular is a lot of fun!

 This example shows linking the output of Sound Keys to Trapcode Particular's Particles/sec paramter. The effect is that on each kick drum beat, particles are emitted. Note that you need some base to properly hear the kick drum, a laptop may not provide enough base.

Download AE6 project file: beat_explode.zip (1.2M) 





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Sound Keys was first used to extract three separate streams from the base region of the audio spectrum. Then three instances 3D Stroke was used to create the "strings". Each has an animated path that describes a vibrating string. 3D Stroke's Path Time, found under Advanced, was used to control the movement of the strings. Each has an expression where a sine function describes the general movement of the string and this is then multiplied by the stream extracted by Sound Keys so that the strings appear to vibrate with their corresponding base frequency.

Download AE 5.0 AEP

Download AE CS4 AEP


Falloff None

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Trapcode Sound Keys - Fallof None example (advanced)

This example shows the Falloff None (integrate) mode where the output signal is integrated over time to form an ever-growing signal. In this example the ouput from Sound Keys was used to set the X position of the small white circle. By using the Falloff None (integrate) mode the circle appears to be pushed ahead by the beat. When there is no beat, the circle just stands still. Trails by AE Echo (AE built-in effect).

Download AE 6.0 AEP