Entries in Ribbon (2)


MIR colorfields

12 comps of colorful animated bulging sheets, ribbons and more using Trapcode Mir.
It's hard to get this to compress well to H.264 - for full quality download the AEP and render it.
Try putting some image with colors you like in the "tex colors" comp.
Get the CS5 AEP here: colorfields_CS5.aep
Music: "Mario Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To" by Chris Zabriskie (http://chriszabriskie.com)

Customizable 3D Ribbion/wire with Particular

With this set up you are able to dynamically make a ribbion or wire as long or as short as you like. You are also able to attach anything you like to the two Nulls at either ends of the rope. This allows you to link objects to the wire very easily. And because it is done using Particular the wire can be moved in 3D space.

You can grab the file here: http://hypoly.com/downloads/3d-ribbon/