Trapcode Creative Award 2013 Japan

The winner of the grand prize was "Kizuna" by Yukito Komori (Pyramid Film PTHREE). Here it is:
A loveley piece with memorable imagery and a message of people connecting. "Kizuna"(絆)means "bond", "emotional ties" in Japanese which are prized and respected in Japan.
Here are the finalists and judges (Komori is 4th from the left on top row, next to me):
Photo by Haruna Kawanishi. Top row: Fujii, Alvarez, Norrby, Komori, Sato, Toma, BakaAfter, Takano. 2nd row: Kawahara, Yamamoto, Yoshihara, Ito, Ogata, Yamaguchi
Flashback Japan organized the event at a beautiful venue. Here is a picture from my talk:
Photo by Haruna Kawanishi
Many thanks to Flashback Japan who made the trip to Japan an absolute joy! And thanks to all others that helped make the event and all competition contributers and everyone who attended the event.
I also wanted to show two other contributions that made a big impact on me. This piece by Mao Yoshihara:
And this piece by Takayuki Sato: